Considerations When Choosing a Toggle Dimmer
If you have children or live with someone in a wheelchair, and you'd like to attach a kidswitch or extension handle to a toggle switch with a dimmer to make it more accessible, it's important to pay attention to the type of dimmer you have (or plan to purchase).
You'll notice 2 types of toggle dimmers - 1 has a pre-set lever on the right side of the switch and 1 does not:

Toggle switches with pre-set dimming levers are not a good choice for use with wheelchair accessible light switch adapters or kidswitch handles.
Once the extension handle is attached to the dimmer, you won't be able to adjust the dimmer since it sits behind the handle attachment. You can see in this image that the dimming lever is stuck in the center position whether the switch is on or off - it just moves higher or lower within that center "on" range of the kidswitch toggle opening and can't be accessed for further adjustment. Specifically, you will not be able to turn lights completely off.
Toggle dimmers without pre-set levers are the best choice for people in wheelchairs or for homes with small children who plan to attach a handle.
The attachment handle can be used to fully turn on the light or dim the switch as needed.